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Why Montessori for Your Child?






The most important age of learning and development is the early childhood years. This is where the most brain development occurs, the foundation of personality and values and laid, and life-long desires to learn are established.  Knowing this, parents seek the BEST early childhood experiences for their children!  Research has shown that good Montessori education can promote not only early learning, but develop advanced skill sets that assist children through their life-long learning. (Science: 29 September 2006: Vol 313, no. 5795, pp1893-1894).



The Method and Philosophy

Montessori is both a philosophy and a method that goes beyond random play. It provides an array of scientifically designed experiences that opens the world to each child. Each day, our teachers provide activities that nourish the natural curiosity of the child while meeting their developmental needs. As the original Montessori schools in Irvine we know first-hand the long-lasting benefits of authentic Montessori education.

Maria Montessori found that children are drawn to beauty, and incorporated that natural inclination into her philosophy. This is exemplified in all aspects of the Montessori Schools of Irvine. Located in quiet, safe community locations, our facilities were designed with beauty for the children—two even won architectural awards! The park-like settings of the playgrounds provide enriched play, gardens, and shade from trees for the experience of nature.

The interiors of the schools welcome students with their home-like warmth, beauty, safety, and cleanliness. Montessori classroom offer a selection of beautiful activities ranging from everyday skill building and sensory development, to early conceptual development of math, language and cultural studies. This includes art, music, social studies, and science—the building blocks of personal growth and culture. The arrangement of classrooms allow children the ability to move about freely, making choices and developing confidence in their emerging abilities.

Each activity is designed to help develop an aspect of the child’s development, and creates a match between the child’s natural interests and their development. Every activity is scientifically designed so that the child is learning through “play”. Children are able to respond to their natural curiosity and learn at their own pace without being held to what another child is doing. Our expert Montessori teachers vigilantly observe and encourage the development of their choices and provide activities to encourage the child’s path.



Authentic Montessori—Find It Under Our Rainbow!

Outcomes of Montessori children demonstrate the long term advantages of this style of education. From higher-level executive functioning skills like self-discipline, critical thinking, and autonomy; to simply performing better on high school and college exams, Montessori school graduates regularly outperform their peers. After four decades of service, it is our personal assurance to continue our mission in our Irvine community.




Visitor tours with the school director are scheduled Monday through Friday at 9:30 a.m. Appointments are not necessary during this time. You will see our classrooms in action, learn more about the Montessori Method, and ask the director any questions you may have. We want you to know all about our program, and we’re transparent about that. Please feel free to call or email the office for your chosen school if you have any further questions.

We look forward to the privilege of sharing in your child’s early years with us.

“The most important period of life is not the age of
university studies, but the first one, the period from
birth to the age of six.”
- Maria Montessori
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Our Schools

Cheryll R. Ruszat, Executive Director
101 Russell Place, Irvine, CA 92617
949-854-6030 P | 949.854.0528 Fax

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